Stop Trying to Help People and Just Be Yourself
Stop Trying to Help People and Just Be Yourself
In my journey to find ways to help others, I’ve often found myself overthinking—stressing about how to create the perfect YouTube content or the right strategy to make an impact. But recently, while driving, I asked myself a simple question:
Why do I want to help people?
And then, like a quiet truth rising to the surface, a thought came to me:
I’ve always been inclined to help people. It’s just who I am.
When I reflect on my past, I realize this has always been true. Growing up, I naturally supported my family and those around me. Helping isn’t something I have to force; it’s something I simply am.
A New Perspective on Helping Others
This realization brought a profound shift in my thinking:
Stop trying to help people. You’re already helping. It’s natural to you.
I’ve been carrying the unnecessary weight of forcing myself to help others, as if it were a task to complete or a goal to achieve. But the truth is, helping others flows effortlessly when I simply show up as myself and express my values.
When I stopped trying so hard, I realized:
I don’t need to overthink or plan the perfect way to help others.
All I need to do is show up and be myself.
Integration Through Intentional Living
To integrate this shift into my life, I’ve decided on a simple approach:
Set Intentions: Each day, I’ll remind myself of my values and the natural inclination I have to help others.
Show Up Consistently: Whether it’s through YouTube, conversations, or daily interactions, I’ll focus on just being present.
Let Go of Forcing: I don’t need to push myself into helping others. When I live authentically, the help will flow naturally.
This shift feels like a weight has been lifted. Instead of constantly striving, I’m free to simply live. And ironically, living more fully will likely help more people because it allows me to share my energy and values in a genuine, unforced way.
How This Helps You Live More Fully
If you’re someone who feels the pressure to help others or make a difference, consider this:
You don’t have to try so hard. Helping others often happens naturally when you focus on being yourself.
When you align with your values and let go of forcing outcomes, your presence alone can inspire and uplift others.
By simply showing up and expressing your authentic self, you’re already making a difference. Trust in that, and let the rest take care of itself.
Final Thought
Helping others isn’t something you need to force or overthink. It’s an extension of who you are when you show up fully, authentically, and consistently. So, set your intentions, live your values, and trust that you’re making a difference just by being you.
Stop trying. Start being. The rest will fall into place.